Located amongst industrial warehouses and offering an unexpectedly fresh space on entry, the ‘Clothes Hangar’ is a head-to-toe styling and grooming experience for Air New Zealand staff which was conceived to “sell” the new Trelise Cooper uniform to them.
Encompassing the uniform and brand design direction with a nod to the swept-up eclectic Kiwi bach, walls of ‘V’ grooved panelling and floors of washed oak laminate provide the perfect backdrop to the blue tube racking that threads it’s way around the ‘shop’ and the fitting rooms.
The ‘check-out’ area is a bright pink counter with ‘graffiti’ print wallpaper and on leaving, staff are asked to write comments about their experience on coloured post-it notes to stick to the lobby walls.
The ‘Clothes Hangar’ won Gold at the 2011 BeST Awards in the Office and Workplace Environment category and featured in many highly regarded national and international interior design websites and publications. Image by Katrina Rees and Rebecca Swan.